


放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2024-04-10     瀏覽次數:304     狀態:狀態
  • 展會日期 : 2024-05-27 至 2024-05-28
  • 展出地址 : 上海某酒店召開
  • 展館名稱 : 上海召開
  • 主辦單位 : ECV International
  • 展出城市 : 上海
  • 官方網站:https://www.ecv-events.com/ads/ChinaGreenAluminium/cn.php



ECV International 舉辦的2024第二屆中國綠色鋁業國際峰會將于527-28日在上海召開,本次會議將線上線下同步舉行,現場提供同聲傳譯。歡迎咨詢、鋁合金、家電行業、原鋁/再生鋁加工解決方案、分選/分離解決方案、協會、汽車行業、汽車零部件行業、原鋁、包裝行業、金屬交易、冶煉/熱處理解決方案、脫碳工藝解決方案、再生鋁、建筑行業、認證等行業領域的同仁報名參會!


重磅演講嘉賓來自:有色金屬研究院、國際鋁業協會、南山鋁業板帶事業部、諾貝利斯Novelis、畢馬威、海德魯、StellantisVerdoxcarboneer Ltd.……
















聯系人: Britney





ECV International是亞洲領先的國際高端商業峰會及活動的主辦和承辦機構,擁有100+位行業研究、活動策劃和運營專家,10+年始終致力于為客戶提供高品質、國際化的商業峰會和活動服務。

我們的業務范圍覆蓋全球,每年定期在中國、新加坡、越南、泰國、阿聯酋、法國、德國等多個國家主辦60多場高水平的線上線下國際峰會,每年有6000+ 名企業高管和專家代表參加我們的峰會。



The 2nd China Green Aluminium Summit 2024

Event Background

China is the world's largest producer of primary aluminium, commanding nearly 60% of the global market, while the total carbon emissions also remain at a comparable level. According to the statistics of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association, China's non-ferrous industry emitted around 660 million tons carbon dioxide. Among these emissions, the aluminum industry contributed 550 million tons, representing a staggering 83.3% of the total emissions from the non-ferrous sector and approximately 5% of the country's overall emissions (which were estimated at around 11 billion tons in 2022). Consequently, it is imperative for aluminium related enterprises to proactively manage carbon footprint and adopt environmentally-friendly measures to support China in achieving its dual-carbon strategic objectives.

The 2nd China Green Aluminum Summit 2024 will continue focusing on the aluminum sustainable development in the "dual carbon" era, combined with best practice/insights of enterprises, tot topics on China's green aluminum trend, path to reach net zero, short, medium and long-term decarbonization solutions (aluminum recycling, inert anode, CCUS), green energy transition, carbon reduction proposal in aluminum life cycle, low-carbon guidance from aluminium upstream to downstream, CBAM will be discussed, aiming to provide reference for aluminum-related companies to develop sustainably and promoting greener development.


Event Date/ Location / Organizer

May 27-28,2024 / Shanghai, China/ ECV International

The summit will be held in-person and online.

Simultaneous interpretation (mutual translation between Chinese and English) is provide.


Hot topics

2024 China Green Aluminum Trends and Prospects

Net Zero Roadmap for Aluminum Industry under the Background of "Dual Carbon"

Aluminum Life Cycle Carbon Footprint Assessment and Carbon Reduction Proposal

Inert Anode Technology -- Making Net Zero Aluminium Possible

Decarbon Aluminum Industry with CCUS Technology to Net Zero

Green Hydrogen Fuels Facilitate Zero-carbon Aluminum Production

Closing the Loop on Aluminium Scrap to Minimise Carbon Emissions

Understand CBAM to Promote the Low-carbon Transition of Chinese Aluminum Industry



Industry Sectors

Consulting ; Aluminium alloys ; Construction industry ; Raw/Recycled aluminium ; rocessing solution ; Sorting and separation solution ; Association ; Semi-products ; Auto Component ; Primary aluminium ; Automotive industry ; Metal Exchange ; Smelting/Heat processing solution ; Decarbonization process solution ; Recycled aluminium ; Packaging industry ; Certification


The 2nd China Green Aluminium Summit 2024 is looking forward to your arrival !

If you are interested in participating in the summit, you can visit our official website or email us.

Event website:


Email: marketing@ecvinternational.com


About Organizer

ECV International is a leading organizer of high-end international events of all sizes with 100+ experts on industry research, event planning and management. We are committed to providing customers with high-quality and personalized service for each and every event.

Our business scope reaches out the globe. Every year, we host regularly more than 60 high-level online and in-person international conferences in Singapore, China, Vietnam, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, France, Germany and other countries, attracting 6,000+ attendees from across the world— including senior management of established players, to first-time entrepreneurs of start-ups, to technical KOLs.

Our mission is to present the cutting-edge and high-quality content, build a valuable networking platform for corporate executives, and help decision makers create value and pursue excellence.

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